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WaterSpace Study

Use this page to learn about the WaterSpace Study.

Project location

The River Avon corridor is undergoing significant redevelopment of brownfield sites, and is the focus for major new development in Bath. With this comes real opportunities to revitalise the River Avon and Kennett & Avon Canal waterways, for people and nature.

The WaterSpace Study was a collaboration between Bath & North East Somerset Council, Environment Agency, Canal & River Trust and Wessex Water. The Study identified 35 projects to revitalise waterways and adjoining land. WaterSpace Connected and Bath River Line were identified as a priority.

View the WaterSpace Study area map

WaterSpace Design Guidance: Protecting bats in waterside development

We produced the WaterSpace (Informal) Design Guidance to inform master planning and urban design approaches to planning applications within 30m of the River Avon and Kennett & Avon Canal.