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Bath Boules 2024

The Bath Boules logo

The Bath Boules is back in Queen Square this summer from 4-7 July! Popularly known as one of Bath’s most enjoyable charity events for friends, families and businesses.

Many local companies use it as a perfect networking and team building opportunity, whilst the square is also free to attend for the public to visit, eat, drink and watch teams in a thrilling all-day boules tournament.

Sign up for a team place in the tournament on Thursday 4, Friday 5, Saturday 6 or Sunday 7 July.

Bath Boules offers Discovery Card holders 15% off Sunday Boules teams (£221 + event fees).

Visit the Media Clash website, and use the promo code DISCOVERYBB which takes you through to access this 15% offer. Please select the Sunday Discovery Card Offer ticket.

For more information, visit the Bath Boules website.