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The Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD sets energy efficiency standards for certain types of development. The following applications require a…

This document outlines our approach to assessing proposed developments to turn residential homes into Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) within the…

The First Homes Interim Position Statement sets out our approach in respect of First Homes whilst affordable housing policy (including in relation to…

This assessment describes the character of the landscape of Bath, as a setting for the Bath World Heritage Site. 

This leaflet offers guidance in pasture management and horse care and welfare, to minimise the chances of landscape or environmental damage, and to…

This survey forms part of our aims to enhance and regenerate the conservation area in the commercial centre of Keynsham. The documents describes the…

This Mendip Hills AONB Partnership Committee document is a guide for farmers, designers and planning officers on the design of agricultural buildings…

This guidance explains the significance of archaeology and the historic environment to local planning processes. It supports householders and…

This document identifies zones of archaeology in Bath and provides guidance for householders and developers on the impact of archaeological issues on…

This document outlines the character and setting of Bath, from a planning perspective. It acts as a guide for householders and developers, to …