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Crime Prevention Through Sport

Grants up to £5,000 (but likely to between £300 - £3,.000) for projects that use sport and physical activity to reduce violence, crime and anti-social behaviour.

For most young people, offending is transitory but for a small group of young people this behaviour can be ingrained and pervasive.  There is a lack of consensus about the reasons for offending but the link with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is increasingly seen as significant.

This fund is for projects that focus on using activity as a tool to engage and support young people up to the age of 25.  Applications that use sport in its widest sense including traditional, informal sports and activities will be considered and encouraged to apply.

The fund is being managed by Wesport in partnership with Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership (SASP).  Funding is provided by the The Office of The Police and Crime Commissioner.