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Charles Hayward Foundation

Grants of up to £25,000 per year over 3 years are available to UK registered charities.

The Foundation has both a main and small grant programme and awards grants for projects in the following categories:

  • Social and Criminal Justice
  • Overseas
  • Older People.

They did have a further category of Heritage and Conservation but this is currently closed to new applications.  There are no plans to reopen it in the immediate future.

Main Grant Programme

Social and Criminal Justice – charities must have an annual income of between £350,000 and £4,000,000.

Overseas – charities must have an annual income between £150,000 and £4,000,000.

Small Grant Programme

Older People – charities must have an annual income of less than £350,000.

Funding Priorities

Generally, when funding projects, they value projects that develop, expand and replicate a tried and tested approach but they are also interested in supporting creative solutions to problems which seem to be entrenched and elude resolution.

They value projects that are preventative and provide early intervention.  They favour projects that respond to a well researched and clear need, provide intervention based on evidence of what works, are able to demonstrate value for money and have a clear understanding of short-term effects and long-term impact of the intervention they propose.

When to Apply

Main Grants

Their main grant programme has a two stage grant process as follows:

Stage 1: A Grants Committee meets on a quarterly basis.  The Committee’s role is to put applications forward to stage 2.

2024 deadlines for the submission of applications for Stage 1:

2 February 2024
26 April 2024
16 August 2024
8 November 2024

Stage 2: Applications recommended by the Grants Committee are put forward for consideration at one of the following Trustee meetings, which are usually held in: January, April, July and November.  For example, if you submit an application for a Stage 1 meeting in February and it is put forward to Stage 2, it will likely be considered at the April Trustee meeting. 

Small Grants

Applications can be submitted at any time during the year.

All applications received by the Foundation are acknowledged and they aim to provide a decision on your application within four months.

Charities that have previously received a grant are asked to wait two years from the date of the last grant payment before re-applying.  Charities that have applied unsuccessfully must wait one year from the date of declination before re-applying.  Unsuccessful applicants may not re-apply with the same project.