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Oli Leigh Trust

A limited number of grants are available annually to UK registered charities and not-for-profit organisations working in the area of suicide prevention and mental health among children and young people.

The Trust’s current funding priorities are around:

•    Supporting young people affected by mental health issues.
•    Helping other organisations provide suicide prevention training, and             
•    Helping other organisations provide young people with mental health support and promote wellbeing.

The Trust welcomes applications from a wide range of organisations, although it is particularly keen to support small or medium sized charities.

The Trust normally awards between 3 and 5 grants each year.  Grants are usually within the range of £500 to £5,000 with the occasional higher award.

All grants awarded are to cover costs of the project for which the grant has been made and must not be used to fund non-project specific costs including salaries, capital expenditure or other overheads.  There is no matched funding requirement.

The Trust will consider or undertake the following when assessing applications.

  • The applying organisation’s governing documents.
  • The applicants latest accounts.
  • Identifying the applicant’s key personnel.
  • Scrutinising the project’s aims and how it will meet the funding priorities of the Trust.
  • Scrutinising the project budget and any further funding received or applied for.
  • Understanding how the project will be monitored and reported.
  • Visiting the organisation’s premises or the project site.
  • Speaking with key personnel from the organisation, and
  • Meeting with key personnel from the organisation

Further information, guidance and an application form is available on the Trust’s website.