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The Rix-Thompson-Rothenburg Foundation

Small grants averaging £5,670 are available to UK charities for projects connected with the care, education, training, development and leisure activities of people with a learning disability and their carers.

Projects involving the arts, enhancing social interaction, improving lifestyles and opportunities, and which encourage inclusive practice are particularly welcomed.

There is no specific requirement for matched funding.

The process for applying is as follows:

  • Applicants should contact the Foundation’s secretary by email, ‘phone or letter to discuss their project.
  • If an application is invited, an application form should be completed and returned, together with a copy of the charity’s most recently audited accounts.

The Foundation meets in June and December each year to review applications.

Applications may be made at any time in writing and are considered twice a year, normally in June and December.  They need to be submitted at least four months before the deadline.

The Trust does not have a website - further information is available on the Charity Commission website.