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  4. Make a referral to the Education Inclusion Co-ordinator

Make a referral to the Education Inclusion Co-ordinator

Our Education Inclusion Co-ordinator supports schools where they have highlighted specific young people who are regularly exhibiting negative learning behaviours.

What to expect from making a referral

We will visit the school and work with school leaders, teachers, and pastoral staff to ensure that the young person is receiving the support that is needed to promote inclusion and decrease the need for exclusion.

We can offer in class observations of young people and teacher feedback, as well as carrying out educational assessments alongside school staff to develop a plan of action to support both the young person and the school. We will provide a copy of a written report and any assessments completed, and will revisit on a termly basis to check on progress.

Where recommendations have been followed and positive progress has not been made, we will suggest referrals to other agencies for support. The reports and assessments from the education inclusion co-ordinator will provide valuable evidence in the case of an application for an education health care plan (EHCP) needs assessment, or in the unfortunate event of permanent exclusion.

Referrals can also be made for general school visits to discuss behaviour and pastoral care. We will link with inclusion leads from across the country ensuring that B&NES schools have access to the very best information and advice with regards to strategy and protocol for supporting young people with SEMH needs.

Before you start

To make a referral you will need to tell us details of:

  • the child and school
  • any Special Educational Needs and Disabilities the child may have
  • any known trauma the child may have experienced
  • whether the child is a child in need, or known to child protection services
  • whether the child is currently, or has been, looked after by us
  • the period of time the behaviours have been exhibited for
  • any in class strategies being used
  • any interventions or support that have already been offered
  • any external referrals made or agencies involved
  • how to contact you

You can make a referral using our online form. It should take approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete the form, depending on how much detail you need to provide.

Make a referral

What happens next

We will contact you within 2 working days to discuss your referral and agree the next steps.