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Equality improvement and monitoring

Find out more about our Equality Improvement Plan and Independent Equality Advisory Group (IEAG).

Our Equality Improvement Plan

Our Corporate Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group (CEDIS) has agreed that we as a council should measure our equality progress against the Equality Framework for Local Government, setting targets for improvement, where needed.

The Plan was approved in 2021 and updated in 2022. We will review the Plan every year to ensure we maintain the required statutory duties.

The Plan sets out how we will meet our equality objectives.

  • Ensure that services are designed to meet the needs of the community
  • Improve access to services and outcomes across protected characteristics
  • Ensure that equality monitoring data is used to inform and influence the delivery of fair services to all
  • Recognise and celebrate the growing diverse communities of Bath & North East Somerset
  • Ensure that we have fair employment practices

The Equality Improvement Plan is set out in four sections, each representing one of the four equality objectives we have set for ourselves:

  • Showing leadership and organisational commitment to equality
  • Understanding and working with our communities
  • Providing responsive services and customer care
  • Employing a diverse and engaged workforce

View our Equality Improvement Plan

Independent Equality Advisory Group (IEAG)

We have set up an Independent Equality Advisory Group (IEAG) to ensure that the way we operate is fair. This could be through the way we interact with the community or in delivering services to the community.

The IEAG provides an opportunity to assess the impact of our work, specifically in relation to the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010. They also ensure equality considerations are taken thoroughly into account when working with our diverse communities in the local area.

IEAG attendees include a number of local voluntary and community sector organisations who support our local communities.

For further details about the IEAG, please email us at: