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Fair Cost of Care Exercise

Use this page to find out about the cost of care in B&NES

  • Published date: 01 February 2023
  • Last updated: 01 February 2023


The Department for Levelling up Communities asked us to undertake a cost of care exercise in April 2022. The purpose of the exercise was to help us understand how care homes (for those aged over 65) and domiciliary care agencies (for those aged over 18) in our area determine their costings. You can find out more about the Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund on the GOV.UK website.

The exercise would also allow for some analysis between the cost of running a service and the amount that we pay. This exercise helps us to:

  • Establish what it costs to provide home care and care in a care home
  • Find out what we need to do to ensure long term mutual sustainability
  • Empower adults receiving care and support to get the best possible outcomes

As a result of this request, we commissioned Valuing Care to complete this work on our behalf.

Valuing Care have now completed their reports, which have been submitted to the Department for Health and Social Care and are published below.

Next steps

We will be inviting providers to meet with our Commissioning Team to discuss the findings within the report, next steps, and how we can work better together to improve the lives of our residents.


Last updated 01 February 2023