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Childcare Sufficiency Assessment report

Following the Budget in March 2023, major new changes have been announced to the Early Years Education and Childcare offer for children and families. As a result, legislation and guidance as to how and what should be included in the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment has been taken into consideration and the results are now published in the Spring 2024 Childcare Sufficiency Duty Report. The report will be updated on a six-monthly basis.

  • Published date: 04 May 2022
  • Last updated: 12 June 2024


Local authorities are required to carry out a regular childcare sufficiency assessment in their area. In Bath and North East Somerset a report is produced twice a year to provide updated information on the local childcare market. Copies of the last three reports can be found below.

If you have any comments about the report, please call 01225 395505 or email


Last updated 12 June 2024