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Damp and mould charter

Use this page to view the Damp and Mould Charter and to view the list of registered providers who have signed it.

Social Housing Damp and Mould Charter

As signatories to this Charter, we are demonstrating our commitment to deliver on the 26 recommendations set out by the Ombudsman in the Spotlight on: Damp and mould, It’s not lifestyle’ report, adherence to The Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 which amends the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (known as Awaab’s Law) and an acknowledgment that the industry wide change in culture around damp and mould called for by the Ombudsman is needed.

The aim of this Charter is to establish a set of four principles that landlords will use to inform their approach to damp and mould in their housing stock. Commitment to these principles will support equity in the outcome for tenants, regardless of the provider they are housed with. We also believe that by sharing best practice and engaging in discussion about how we can deliver on the Ombudsman’s recommendations, we are in a stronger position to drive constructive dialogue and improvement. 

Damp and Mould Charter Principles

Foster a zero tolerance culture to damp and mould

This means ensuring that damp and mould prevention and intervention is prioritised through Implementing or developing a dedicated damp and mould strategy or policy.

These would set out how damp and mould issues will be identified and monitored, how staff will be trained on dealing quickly, empathically and knowledgeably with reports of damp and mould, and the range of interventions that can be used.

Move from a reactive to a proactive approach

To move from taking a reactive approach to dealing with reports of damp and mould, to a proactive one which actively invites reports and feedback and provides a quick, efficient process for resolving issues that is also open, transparent, and accessible to all residents.

Take responsibility

To build on the principle of taking a proactive approach by ensuring we fully accept our responsibilities as landlords, seeking always to explore how we can prevent, detect, and address issues.

We will not infer blame on tenant lifestyle, but instead will take steps to know, listen to and work with tenants, ensuring communication and advice around damp and mould is accurate, appropriate, and fair.

Focus on the fabric of the property

In the investigation of damp and mould reports, we will shift emphasis away from occupational factors like cooking practices, toward the fabric of the property itself, including affordable warmth options for the tenants.

We will invest in proactive measures to identify inherent or structural factors that lead homes to be more susceptible to damp and mould.

Legal and statutory compliance

Ensure knowledge of and compliance with all legal and regulatory duties including but not limited to those set out in the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (as amended by the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023).


Signatories of the charter


Date of signing

Curo Group 28/02/2024
YMCA Brunel Group 04/03/2024
LiveWest 11/03/2024
Bath and North East Somerset 15/03/2024
The Guinness Partnership 15/03/2024
Advance Housing and Support Ltd 15/03/2024
Selwood Housing 18/03/2024
Alliance Homes 19/03/2024
English Rural Housing Association 25/03/2024
White Horse Housing Association 26/03/2024
Places For People Homes Ltd 17/04/2024
Golden Lane Housing 17/04/2024
Dimensions (UK) Ltd 18/04/2024
Abbeyfield 18/04/2024
Brighter Places 23/04/2024
Sanctuary Housing Association 23/05/2024