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Funding programmes Privacy Notice

The purpose of processing

We use the information provided in the application form for the management and assessment during the application and subsequent monitoring and grant agreements and any post agreement updates or notifications for the following funding programmes:

Bath Community Infrastructure Levy

Section 106 Youth Contributions

Ward Councillors Community Empowerment Fund

Community Contribution Fund (Further information is on this web page

Data subjects

The data subjects are individuals who make the funding applications.

Personal data

Email address
Telephone number
Details included in application form
Role within the community

How is it used?

We consider the information presented in the application form to assess the suitability of the proposal.

We will contact the applicant for further information about the application when necessary and when preparing the grant agreements, monitoring applications, or making payments.

We may use the information within the application and monitoring report within the Council for reporting purposes. Information may be published on our public website, but this will not include your personal data.

Profiling and automated decision making

Not applicable

GDPR condition relied upon for processing personal data:

Article 6.1 c - legal obligation
Article 6.1 e - Exercise of official authority
Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019

Local Government Finance Act 1982

GDPR condition relied upon for processing special category data

Not applicable

Sharing of personal data with external recipients

The applications will be assessed by council officers and in the case of Bath Community Infrastructure Levy applications will be considered by a working party made up of elected members. All applicants’ details will be anonymised and may be published for formal decision making process.

How long is the personal data retained by the Council?

We will retain the applicants details for no longer than 7 years after the completion date of the project.

Questions or concerns?

Please email 

Appeals to the Information Commissioner’s Office

If you are unhappy about the way we have treated your personal data, or feel we have not properly respected your data subject rights, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and tell them about this.

You can also contact the ICO by phone on 0303 1231113.