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Data Accelerator Privacy Notice

The purpose of processing

Information sharing between Avon and Somerset Police and Bath & North East Somerset Council allows us to better understand vulnerability within the Bath and North East Somerset area, supporting the statutory functions of the agencies that provide support to vulnerable individuals. This includes preventing crime and disorder, promoting the well-being of children and ensuring safeguarding, as well as improving public service delivery.

We use information from Avon and Somerset Police to identify families facing multiple disadvantages at the earliest opportunity. This enables us to improve the targeting of appropriate support to individuals or households and ultimately improve the physical, mental, emotional, social or economic well-being of individuals and families.

Information sharing makes communities safer and reduces partner agency demand and cost. It allows safeguarding teams to make the best support and referral decisions and enables them to effectively support existing interventions and manage vulnerable families. It also provides significant opportunities for strategic leaders to seek assurance that the most vulnerable and high-risk people in their area of command are effectively supported.

Data subjects

Data subjects will include any individual who has come into contact with the police for any of the following reasons:
Criminal Offence data (Suspect, Involved, Perpetrator)
Missing Persons data
Victims and Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse data

Personal data

We will collect information relevant to the purposes defined in this privacy notice, this will include as a minimum:
Details of police incidents
Missing person data

How is it used?

In order to deliver these objectives of the Programme, it is necessary to share information between partners to support a range of services (Including, but not limited to, the Connecting Families Team and Children’s Social Care):
Identifying families that would benefit from such interventions by identifying multiple engagements between families and public services.
Joining up information on caseloads to reduce duplication of effort and streamline service provision to ensure services are aware of who is currently working with vulnerable families
Allowing for a shared understanding of vulnerability for all professionals engaged in supporting families by presenting a more holistic view of vulnerability as defined by both ASC and the Council.
Developing predictive risk modelling allowing intervention at the earliest opportunity (currently case finding only).
Evaluating and understanding the impact and effectiveness of interventions (Secondary analysis).
Understanding patterns and trends of need and vulnerability within the B&NES population, including trend-based forecasting using depersonalised data. (Secondary analysis).

Profiling and automated decision making

Not applicable.

GDPR condition relied upon for processing personal data:

Article 6.1 c - legal obligation
Article 6.1 e - Exercise of official authority
DPA 2018, Schedule 1 – Criminal Offence Data meeting specific condition; DPA 2018, 35(2)(b) – necessary for the performance of a task carried out for that purpose by an authority and in terms of sensitive data links to schedule 8 – statutory purpose, safe
Care Act 2014 Section 1 and 3
Childcare Act 2006 - Section 1 - General duties of local authority in relation to well-being of young children
Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000
Crime and Disorder Act 1998 - Section 115
Crime and Disorder Act 1998 - Section 17 - Duty to consider crime and disorder implications
Crime and Disorder Act 1998 - Section 37
Criminal Justice Act 2003 - Section 325 of this Act details the arrangements for assessing risk posed by different offenders
Localism Act 2011
The Children Act 1989
The Children Act 2004 - Section 10 – Co-operation to improve well-being
The Children Act 2004 - Section 11 – Arrangements to safeguard and promote welfare
Welfare Reform Act 2012 - Section 131

GDPR condition relied upon for processing special category data

Article 9.2 b - Social security/social protection
Article 9.2 g - Substantial public interest

Sharing of personal data with external recipients

This data will be shared internally within the relevant services of the council or where a clear lawful reason for sharing may exist such as in safeguarding cases or with other agencies to support people.

How long is the personal data retained by the Council?

We will retain most data for up to 8 years in line with NHS guidance regarding the retention of social care data. In some instances data may be retained for longer where it relates to safeguarding cases or cases of a similar nature.

Questions or concerns?

Please email 

Appeals to the Information Commissioner’s Office

If you are unhappy about the way we have treated your personal data, or feel we have not properly respected your data subject rights, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and tell them about this.

You can also contact the ICO by phone on 0303 1231113.