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Councillor Survey Privacy Notice

The purpose of processing

The Council is creating a wellbeing survey to start measuring change over time on a number of satisfaction metrics. The survey asks a range of questions about your experience of working remotely and some demographic information (eg gender and age).

It is important that we collect some demographic information to understand how people with different personal characteristics experience work satisfaction, so that appropriate action can be taken to level this experience as appropriate.

Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary and respondents can choose to skip any question

Data subjects

Elected Members of Bath and North East Somerset Council

Personal data

The questionnaire does not collect any unique personal identifiers (name, date of birth, etc), however the Council has taken the decision to provide this privacy notice as a very limited number of responses may be identifiable to individuals processing the data prior to final reports being produced.

Any information that you provide which may be identifiable will be held in confidence by the business intelligence team.

How is it used?

The questionnaire will be administered using the SurveyMonkey system.

Data that you provide will be downloaded and processed by named members of the Business Intelligence team and stored in a secure folder only accessible by that team. The published results will fully anonymise responses by applying a process called suppression. This is where responses which relate to less than 5 people will be masked by adjusting applicable fields without altering the overall statistical results.

When suppression is applied your response will not be identifiable.

Profiling and automated decision making

Not applicable

GDPR condition relied upon for processing personal data:

Article 6.1 c - legal obligation
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest. Personal data are processed in the public interest because understanding Member’s experiences and feelings about ways of working can inform decisions taken to improve these experiences, and ultimately organisation performance. This function is carried out by the Business Intelligence Team on behalf of the whole Council

GDPR condition relied upon for processing special category data

Article 9.2 g - Substantial public interest

Sharing of personal data with external recipients

Information will not be shared with any third parties. Final, suppressed, results will be published.

How long is the personal data retained by the Council?

Personal data will be retained for as long as it is needed for the purpose specified above.

Questions or concerns?

Please email 

Appeals to the Information Commissioner’s Office

If you are unhappy about the way we have treated your personal data, or feel we have not properly respected your data subject rights, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and tell them about this.

You can also contact the ICO by phone on 0303 1231113.