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Assets of Community Value

Use this page to learn about Assets of Community Value (ACVs) and why your community may want to register a local asset. View the register of ACVs and notices of disposal from this page.

About Assets of Community Value (ACVs)

Registering a place as an Asset of Community Value gives communities the chance to bid for assets that they value. Eligible groups such as Parish Councils and Residents' Groups can nominate both privately and publicly owned assets to be included on the list of registered ACVs. Registered community assets include pubs, shops, open spaces and community halls.

We manage and publish the register of ACVs. Once an asset is listed, if a landowner wants to sell it they must tell us. We will publish a Notice of Disposal about the asset that the owner wants to sell.

If a group wants to buy the asset, they can trigger a 'moratorium period' which gives them time to prepare a bid. During this period, the owner cannot sell their property on the open market.

Registering an asset of community value and making a bid does not guarantee that a community group can buy the asset. After six months the landowner is free to sell to anyone they choose at any price.

Definitions of 'Community Value' and exemptions from the register of ACVs

A building or piece of land may have community value if:

  • the use of the land or building currently, or in the recent past, furthers the social well-being or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community
  • this use (as described above) of the building will continue to further the social well-being or interests of the local community
  • the use of the building or land must not be deemed ancillary, ie of secondary purpose. This means that the use of the land or building to further social well-being or interests of the community must be its principal use
  • Some types of land and buildings are exempt from become registered ACVs. These include:
    • homes
    • hotels
    • assets being transferred between kindred businesses
    • Church of England land holdings.

View the register of ACVs

View the Register of Assets of Community Value including unsuccessful nominations.

View Notices of disposal of Assets of Community Value

Applying to register an Asset of Community Value

Only Parish Councils and other eligible local groups such as residents associations can apply to register an Asset of Community Value. Use the 'apply to register an ACV' link below to learn more about the application process, and to apply to register an asset.

Apply to register an ACV