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Apply for a dropped kerb

Use this page to apply for a licence to drop a kerb. This covers the process of lowering a kerb for vehicular access to your property.

A dropped kerb is the same as a footway crossing, which is a crossing over a public footway, pavement or verge for your vehicle to access your property from the highway.

You must be granted a licence to drop a kerb before any construction can proceed.  You will receive written permission from our Highway Maintenance department. If successful, your licence will be valid for 12 month from the date of approval.

Planning permission

WarningIn some cases, you will need to seek planning permission before you can apply for a licence to drop a kerb.

A dropped kerb licence does not grant you permission to make changes within the boundary of your own property as this becomes a planning matter. 

Before you make an application, please check if you will need planning permission for your proposed works.


In order to apply for your dropped kerb licence, you will need to pay an administration fee.

The administration fee is £186.18 which will be charged during the online application process.

Before you start

Before you complete the application, please read the Schedule of Conditions. You will also need to have considered the following:

  • The proposed dropped kerb should be 4.8m away from the pavement (or top of the driveway) and the property
  • You (the applicant) must own the property, or have written permission from the property owner to install a dropped kerb
  • There must be no parking restrictions that might affect access to the driveway
  • The proposed dropped kerb should be 10m away (15m for classified roads) from any junctions, traffic signals or roundabouts
  • You must be able to see well enough to drive out of the driveway without causing danger to yourself or others
  • There are no street lighting columns, trees or telegraph poles within 1m that will affect the access/egress 
  • You must have checked whether planning permission is necessary for your application

In order to complete your online application, you will need to have the following information ready:

  • the full address of the proposed location of the dropped kerb
  • a photograph or sketch of the location, including any street furniture or street lighting columns
  • a credit or debit card to pay the licence administration fee
  • your planning consent reference number, if applicable

Apply online

Complete our online form to apply for your licence. 

Apply for a dropped kerb licence

Next steps

When we have received your application, one of our Highways Inspectors will check your proposed location to make sure it's safe and suitable. We will then let you know if we can grant your licence request or not. 

If your application is successful, you will need to use one of our appropriately accredited and insured companies to carry out the work. You can view a list of contractors on our dedicated web page.