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Aged 25 and above

Use this page to find out about the support you can get as a care-experienced young person above the age of 25 in Bath and North East Somerset.

In Bath and North East Somerset, we understand that parents do not stop being parents when their child turns 25 and we do not believe this should happen for care-experienced young adults. Therefore, there will be no age limit on our relationship with you.

You can call our care experienced team on 01225 395200 or email the team at

Our continued support

  • We would love to hear about how you are getting on – please call and share your news or just call for a catch-up. 
  • We won’t chase you, but we will be here to offer advice if you need us. 
  • There will be no more Pathway Plans but we can talk about your life.
  • If you started university and have not yet finished when you turn 25, we will continue to support you.