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Keynsham Recycling Hub

Responding to the Climate and Ecological Emergencies

In line with our Climate and Ecological Emergency declarations and policy aims, the Keynsham Recycling Hub integrates carefully considered sustainability measures with flexibility and adaptability, to meet future demands.

These include the following:

  • On-site renewable energy generation
  • Building fabric efficiency
  • Enhancement of ecological systems

Aerial view of the hub with the numbers 1 to 6 in various places

Aerial view showing climate change and ecology measures

Diagram key

  • 1 Planting and wildlife corridors
  • 2 Solar panels on all roofs
  • 3 Sustainable drainage strategy
  • 4 Rainwater harvesting underground
  • 5 Fabric-first building design
  • 6 Futureproofing for electric vehicle fleet



We have built in the following steps and processes to deliver a more sustainable service.