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  5. Domestic-Abuse-Related Death Reviews

Domestic-Abuse-Related Death Reviews

Warning If you or someone you know may be affected by domestic abuse, you can:

What these Case Reviews are

When there is a death in our area which is related to domestic violence or abuse, we have a legal duty to investigate and report on the case. Our Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership (BCSSP) is responsible for undertaking a Domestic-Abuse-Related Death Review (DARD, previously known as a Domestic Homicide Review).

This applies to deaths where all of the following apply:

  • The victim is aged over 16.
  • Domestic violence, abuse or neglect is (or appears to be) involved. This can include suicides, where abuse has been a factor. 
  • The violence, abuse or neglect is (or appears to be) committed by a family member, relative, a current or previous intimate partner.

Why we have these Reviews

The purpose of a Domestic-Abuse-Related Death Review is to:

  • consider the circumstances that led to the death
  • identify where agencies could improve their responses in similar situations in order to safeguard victims
  • make formal recommendations, both locally and nationally, where appropriate, on how the professionals and agencies involved handle this type of case
  • ensure recommendations are acted on to prevent similar circumstances from resulting in a death in the future

The Review will bring together all professionals and agencies who have had contact with the victim:

  • The police
  • Local authorities
  • Social services
  • Health agencies and staff
  • Voluntary organisations

How the process works

The Review is not an inquiry into how someone died, or who is to blame for their death and is not part of any disciplinary process. DARDs do not replace an inquest or any other form of inquiry into the death. The emphasis is on learning points and better service delivery for the future. 

A multi-agency review panel carries out the Review, and may include any of the agencies above, and others, depending on the case. An independent chair manages the process. 

Visit the GOV.UK website for more information:

Our commitment to transparency

We will publish the reports from any local Domestic-Abuse-Related Death Reviews on this page. Our aim in publication is to reinforce public confidence in how we handle such tragedies, and ensure transparency of the processes in place, across all agencies, to protect victims of domestic violence and abuse.

Case Review documentation

To protect the identities of the victim, their families and others involved in cases, Case Review reports always use pseudonyms.

Case 1: 'Teddy'

Documents relating to the case of 'Teddy' in July 2016

Case 2: 'Mary'

Documents relating to the case of 'Mary' in June 2015