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Counter terrorism (PREVENT)

PREVENT is a part of the Government’s Counter Terrorism programme. It addresses all forms of dangerous radicalisation, including religious and political extremism. Use this page to learn more about how we are implementing this programme here in Bath and North East Somerset, and any responsibilities you may have to monitor and report any suspected radical activity.

While actions inspired by religious groups such as Islamic State are high profile nationally and internationally, the white supremacist ideology of extreme right-wing groups, and the increase in the influence of violently misogynist 'incel' culture, have led to the normalisation of radical views, and inspired terrorist acts. The scope of potential radicalisation is therefore becoming wider.

Understand the principles

Aims of the programme

  • To respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat it poses to public safety
  • To safeguard people from being drawn into radical views and terrorism
  • To identify and work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation
  • To ensure that anyone at risk of radicalisation gets appropriate advice and support

The importance of early intervention

ACT Early is a PREVENT programme website. It provides:

  • Advice and support for parents, carers and professionals, to keep loved ones safe from radicalisation
  • More detail about the PREVENT programme
  • Guidance on how to seek help, if you're worried about someone
  • Advice around online safety and signs of radicalisation

View our One Minute Guide to Radicalisation

Improve awareness of radicalisation

Get WRAP training for professionals (Workshop to raise awareness of PREVENT)

WRAP is a workshop with video content that explains PREVENT, the radicalisation process, how to identify at-risk students and other people, how to raise concerns and what an appropriate response looks like. 

Read in more detail about WRAP training content and how we can help to organise or deliver tailored training for you and your organisation.

Resources for schools and youth groups

If you work with children or young people, you can use the following links for guidance on:

  • how to plan sessions around the principles of PREVENT
  • embedding British values in the curriculum
  • getting policy advice on using the programme in schools

    • Educate against hate: advice and resources for schools on safeguarding students from radicalisation, building resilience to extremism, and promoting shared values
    • Going too far: resources for teachers including lesson plans, videos and information on online safety.
    • Safeguarding resources: online resource portal where you can filter by topic, key stage and audience
    • Promoting British values as part of children's social and personal education 
    • Safety policies: updated templates for school policies and acceptable use policy for Sept 2020
    • Fake news: resources to promote critical thinking online
    • BBC Bitesize: BBC fact or fake campaign 

Check your legal obligations

Staff working in the following public services have legal duties to report any concerns about radicalisation in people that they work with:

  • Local authorities
  • Schools
  • Higher and further education
  • Health services
  • Prisons
  • The Probation Service
  • The Police

If you work in any of these settings, you should check how you'll need to show compliance with these duties, and may want to find out more about how your setting will be monitored.

View guidance for your setting

Make a report or referral

Report online terrorist or extremist material

Use this GOV.UK service to report any material you find online which you are concerned about. You can do this anonymously. 

Make your report

PREVENT referral

A PREVENT Board co-ordinates the work of enforcing compliance with PREVENT in Bath and North East Somerset. Before making your referral, please check the GOV.UK guidance, and email our team, if there's anything you're unsure about.

Download and complete a PREVENT Referral Form

Please email all completed forms to