Planning Application Search

Find and view planning applications from 1996 onwards. You can comment on most applications that are within their consultation period.

Application Reference or Address
It is not possible to comment on all types of application.

Advanced Search

Find and view planning applications from 1996 onwards.

Choose one or more search filters below to narrow your search results.

Enter the application reference number. For example, 01/23456/EXM.

Enter the address of the application you are searching for.
For example, 10 High Street.

Enter a keyword you are searching for.
For example, conservatory.

Select the type of application you are searching for.

Select the application status of the application you are searching for.

Select the appeal status of the application you are searching for.

Planning Applications that have been identified as being of particular interest to the public. Choose to display historic applications or those that are pending a decision or consideration.

Select the ward of the application you are searching for.

Select the parish of the application you are searching for.

Map Search

Scroll and zoom the map to locate planning applications. Click on the application icons to see details of the application.

Weekly List

View all Planning Applications either received and validated or decided by the Local Authority each week.